Contents of My September 2014 Fab Bag

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The most awaited #Anniversary special  September Fab Bag is here .For those of you who are not aware of the Fab Bag concept ,well you pay just Rs 399/- month and get a Fab Bag every month which has hand -picked samples of at least three  luxury  brands  .These are specially selected keeping in mind the preferences of the Fab Girl who will get them .

So now coming to opening of my Fab Bag of surprises for the month of September 2014 .


Firstly I just  l-o-o-o-o-ve the look of the September Bag .It is a beautiful animal print bag and animal prints are so in vogue this winter .It made my day.

Inside the Fab Bag were the following items

1.Full size bottle of Sally Hansen Nail Growth miracle(Full size worth Rs 875)


2.Full size Bella Pierre Mineral Blush -Autumn Glow  (worth Rs 3,400 )

3.A Beautiful Scarf in Checkered Print


4. A complimentary Mini Manicure Kit from Sally Hansen Again and a Fab Post Magazine 

Now I am rubbing my hands together , I can’t wait to lay my hands on these goodies and sample each one of them .

5.Skin Yoga green  Tea Face Pack Full size (worth RS 1,750 )


Skin Yoga Green Tea pack –  I have heard a lot of good things about this brand and their natural ingredients .I am anyways a fan of tea tree products and this has my daughter excited too because herbal products are best for the adolescent skins.


Sally Hansen Nail Growth Magic –This products claims to give you longer  nails in just 5 days of application .Good as my nail growth is slow and I keep on looking at nail arts longingly as my nails are always short .

Bella Pierre Mineral blush –It is a  European brand famous for its high quality mineral makeup.I received 
the shade .Its texture is non gritty .


The golden mini Manicure kit is very handy and comes in a small pack so you can easily chug it along ,I will keep it in my handbag so that I can use it anytime .

And I just love the scarf ,It goes with most of my dresses .This is what I love about fabbag ,These small personalized surprises are really something that one looks forward to.


Do you also want to own  a Fabbag ? You can book it here at  FabBag and be happy !

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