Crash The Pepsi IPL – Finalist – Vote for the Winner

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Hi Friends !

Pespi IPL fever is on and I am loving the ads submitted by viewers for the #CrashThePespiIPL challenge .In have already shared with you in my previous posts about Some unbelievable stories where I shared some Indian ads that are too far fetched to believe or what would happen in real life if these situations were to come true .
Advetisements can also be forerunners of a social change as seen in my post Advertising as harbingers of social change- a small selection of my favourite ads .

I have already reviewed a few of the #CrashThePespiIPL entries in my post – Crash the Pespi IPL – some interesting Ads too .If you too want to enjoy the various creative ads which have been posted by viewers just go to there you can scroll through all the entertaining ads and even vote for the ads you  feel are fit to be the finalists or winners for creating Pepsi commercials !

Your vote matters here ,so what are you waiting for ?

Now coming to my vote .I shall be voting for three ads ,which I found the most creative and touching.

1.Crash the Pepsi IPL – Living It !


The ad shows ordinary people going about their daily business .An elderly woman lovingly watering her plants , a couple looking contentedly at the wind chimes hanging at their front door, a boy flying his kite …all with a twist .The watering can is a modified Pepsi bottle , the kite string is rolled onto  a pepsi bottle and the wind chimes (as you guessed rightly) are also made up of Pepsi cans.This one srikesa chord by weaving Pespi into the warp and weft of our lives .

2.Crash the Pepsi IPL – Winner – Ahead of Time


The ad shows two cricket teams playing on the streets .As Virat’s 11 take on Ranbir’s 11 for the ultimate prize – A Pepsi can ,it becomes interesting to watch who wins and how .Find out who wins in Paul Joji Kokkat’s Pepsi ad.The twist is that both cricket teams consist of girls only players pitted against each other .This ad ,made me nostalgic ,reminding me of our childhood days ,when we too jostled with each other while playing on the streets mindless of everything around us consumed by our fervour .

3.Crash the Pepsi IPL – Slap

A hilarious ad ,and it gets my vote for the same,it shows common situations with a common ending -all ending in a slap !
A business deal that ends with a slap .Two colleagues chatting about IPL -again ending with a slap on the cheek .
Watch the ad to know why .

“I’m voting for the best ads in the#CrashThePepsiIPL activity in association with BlogAdda from 8th May to 14th May. Are you?”

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