Crash the Pespi IPL – some interesting Ads

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Pepsi brings to my mind ‘Pep’ , something ‘ Bubbly’ something that denotes youth and energy and a devil may care funky attitude .
Pepsi has been inviting creative ads that can become the next pepsi commercial and the winners will get a chance to crash  the  Pepsi IPL !
I went through their You tube site and collected a few gems which I will be good enough to share with you .

Here is a a look at some of the most interesting advertisements :

1.Refresh Recharge Restart– If you just overlook the shabby look of the hero who gets kicked out of his job (or maybe that is the reason he is shabby!) this video appeals to me as it depicts a never say die spirit of youth and also the positive twist at the end  which I associate with the Pespi brand . I can already imagine Ranbir Kapoor as the dashing hero who lands himself a new job and love both .

2. Pespi Pilao apna Stadium Banao – The actors are good and they show how young men  charged (with pespi) can change adversity into opportunity .Three young men  are denied entry tickets to the Pepsi IPL by the ticketing clerk and he also taunts them to go create their own stadium  .The ad goes on to show them successfully doing so by offering pepsi as the incentive to make people join them and create their own stadium full of screaming fans .

3.Rajma-Upma-Pepsi – Here is an ad which shows Pepsi as the common uniting ground for two couples- one Punjabi and the other Keralaite .Both start a show down which ends with a bottle of Pepsi.
4.Pepsi perfect Match – A disinterested would-be bridegroom is all smiles and happiness when his would be bride comes walking in with tray of Pepsi cans .Talk of compatibility !
5.The Big Fat Menu – A very simple ad but executed almost professionally .It shows a group of youngsters all hungry and thirsty ,walking into  a dhaba .The waiter rattles out a big fat menu ,but the youngsters forget everything when the Pepsi  IPL  comes alive on the TV set .All they need then is their ‘Pepsi’ and they are set to roll .


6.Crash the Pepsi IPL Served – Created by Nikita Deshpande ,a very nice and literally mouth watering ad .The camera moves from one regional superstar dish to another as the Pepsi IPL teams are introduced respective region wise  like It makes you crave for the food and IPL both with a bottle of Pepsi to give you company .

7. Jhinga-la-a – This video by Yogesh Negi, has some natives capturing a tourist in the forest and as they get ready to do the worst to him, one of them spots the Pespi in his backpack ,he takes it out and tastes it .The taste is priceless and they forget the tourist (who fleds grabbing the opportunity ) and  the tribals make merry with Pepsi .


It probable appeals to the cave man in all of us .Though predictable yet the expressions of the natives are to die for .
Posco India – Are you paying attention ? Take a hint ,there could be an easier way around the issue!
(I actually support the tribals but this part was not poking fun at them rather I was appreciating their simplicity and also showing how cut off from the modern worlds some of them are .Of course life is not easy .)
 Do“Check out the #CrashThePepsiIPL videos & participate in the activity at BlogAdda” if you want to have double the fun !


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