Nappy Basics for new Moms

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Your little bundle of joy is probably the most precious and magical thing that happened to you .But taking care of the delicate baby can be intimidating for the uninitiated .

Your newborn will pass stools several times a day and pee every few hours. The wetness doesn’t bother most babies though since they have been in the warm and moist atmosphere of the mother’s womb for nine months , so don’t expect the baby to cry or show discomfort every time she needs changing.

Disposable nappies absorb moisture particularly well, so you may not always be able to gauge their wetness until they’re soaked.

It is advisable to check for wetness every couple of hours by testing with a clean finger. Nowadays disposable nappies for young babies have a wetness indicator on them. This is a line that changes colour if the nappy is wet. This is a handy indicator  to tell if it’s time for a diaper change.

There are old grandma aruguments in support of using cloth nappies , like

1. They are cheaper than disposables in the long-run.
2. Soft on  your baby’s bottom, as they are chemical-free.
3. More environmentally-friendly, as they reduce landfill.
4. If you plan to have more babies later, you can reuse them .But seriously in India , most couples stop at one baby so I guess this point does not hold much water !

Pros of using disposable diapers 

1. No hassle of washing and drying .
2. Washing and reusing the nappy can leave detergent and chemical residue which can irritate the    baby’s soft bottom.
3.Frequent nappy changes are not needed as one diaper is designed to keep the baby dry for a longer period than cloth nappies .

Dos and Don’ts of Nappy Change to keep your baby ‘s skin safe

1. Lay your baby on a flat surface lined with a towel or a changing mat. Unfasten the tabs on the dirty nappy. Fold them over to prevent them from sticking to the baby, but don’t remove the dirty nappy yet.

2. Pull down the front half of the dirty nappy. If your baby is a boy, you might want to cover his penis with a clean cloth or another nappy so you both don’t get a shower  🙂

3. If the nappy is soiled with poo, use the front half of the nappy or a wipe to wipe off  the bulk of poo from your baby’s bottom.

4. Fold the soiled nappy/diaper in half under your baby, with the clean side up. For this  lift your baby’s bottom off the table by grasping both ankles of the baby with one hand and gently lifting the bottom upwards.

5. Clean the baby’s front with a damp baby wipe or soft  cloth. If your baby’s a girl, wipe her clean from  front to back (towards her bottom) to prevent any infection.

6.Change nappies often – It is vital to stop stale urine from coming in contact with baby’s delicate skin, so even disposable nappies should be frequently changed.

7.Use a protective ointment – Coat your baby’s bottom with a thin layer of protective ointment  every time you change a nappy – and especially at bedtime. A moisturising, breathable ointment reinforces the skin’s natural barrier and helps stop the waste from penetrating the baby’s parts .

8.Loosen the grip – Absorbent disposable nappies can keep skin dry -but even  if you use them, make sure they’re loose enough for allowing movement and air circulation .

9.Let baby’s skin breathe – It’s good to be free! Let your baby kick its little legs and go nappy-free as much as possible, just make sure the room’s warm enough and there’s a towel or nappy mat below her for any possible leaks!

10.Wash carefully – If you’re using cloth nappies wash them with mild detergent and rinse them  thoroughly.Also boil them, to avoid infections .

11.Clean the nappy area thoroughly – While changing the  baby’s nappy, ensure that  whole area is cleaned and then allowed to dry completely.

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