Wella Color Up Your Life Bloggers Meet

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Me – up ,close and personal with Sapna Bhavnani

Imagine a Life without colors … I bet you can’t .
Life would be so dull !

That was what our Wella Color Up Your Life Bloggers’ Meet  was all about .

After waiting impatiently ,finally the day had arrived for the “Wella  Color Up your Life” Blogger’s meet “at Select City Mall , Delhi .It was my first bloggers’ Meet so naturally I was quite excited about it .

Bloggers at the venue 

Before I start , a word for the travel partners Taxiforsure.com who made it possible for the bloggers to reach the venue comfortably and within time .There were a few hiccups initially but after downloading their App and also through some help from The Event managing partners “Ripple Links “ I was able to reach the venue well with in time.

Coming to Wella , Wella International is a more than 100 yrs old name in the beauty industry and do you know that the first permanent cream hair color was introduced by Wella in 1950 and the world has never looked back since then .

Having (hair raising ) Fun with colors at the meet 

Before starting onto the main event , Ripple links organised a few fun activities for the bloggers and my team ,Team Blue Won . Yay !

The main speaker at the event was the celebrity Hair stylist Sapna Bhavnani (who has also Featured in the reality TV  series  Big Boss ).Sapna is not just a celebrity hair stylist but also known for her own personal style .She has been  an active PETA member and also takes a strong stance on various social issues .

Sapna busted a lot of our hair color myths , like

1.Ammonia free hair color is safer for hair –NO , it is not better because it  contains about 20-30%  peroxide which is harmful for the hair .

2.Coloring increases hair fall –NO ,at least it is not the leading cause .According to her pollution ,diet , stress and hormones are the greater leading causes of hair loss .Being a doctor I support that line too .

Having a blast with fellow Bloggers

On a humorous note , Sapna told us that she had been experimenting with hair color since the age of fourteen years and she still has kept most of her hair ,so coloring does not damage the hair unless you are going for drastic and dramatic hair colors like platinum blonde or white .

3.She also stressed on the need for a good hair stylist who would have studied hair science to be able to tell  you which looks and colors would work best for you .According to her finding a good Hair stylist is even more difficult than finding  a boyfriend ,so if you find one stick to him/her .

Scared of Hair color giving you  dull , dry and rough hair ? To take care of this concern Wella experts Emy Plowman and Gaurav Gupta along with Sapna Bhavnani introduced  their new service —THE OIL INFUSION COLOR SERVICE .

The Wella Oil reflections , infusion oil


This service promises to give 80% more vibrant hair color , softer and smoother hair and also has a yummilicious Vanilla fragrance ! 

After a quick lunch , and catching up with fellow bloggers I was escorted back to Home-sweet-Home by the travel partners Taxiforsure.com .

The Take home gifts from Wella 

Phew ! Well(a) what a  colorful day it was !


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