12 Commonly Ignored Symptoms of Anxiety Disorder

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Whenever we talk about symptoms of Anxiety disorder, images of worried, tense, and fearful individuals come to our mind. Anxiety is a nagging feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease about something with an uncertain outcome.

Often it is a feeling of fearing and expecting the worst to happen. They often feel drained and tired or easily moved to tears. A person suffering from Anxiety is just unable to relax and stay calm for long.

Today I will be listing 12 very common symptoms of anxiety that are often neglected by the family and even your family physician. The next time , someone you care about complains about any of these symptoms, it should ring alarm bells for a possible mental health issue.



1. Fear


Most common fears in anxiety are –

  • a fear of dark
  • a fear of strangers (more common in children),
  • a fear of being left alone
  • a fear of animals
  • a fear of heights
  • a fear of crowded places


2. Sleep disturbances


Often disturbances in sleep are one of the first symptoms of anxiety disorder.

  • Difficulty in falling asleep,  disturbed sleep, unsatisfying sleep and not feeling refreshed on waking, feeling tired on waking, too many dreams, nightmares, night terrors.


3. Intellectual Changes



4. Depressed mood


Sometimes instead of typical anxiety , a person may exhibit these symptoms of depressed mood

  • Loss of interest in activities which they enjoyed earlier
  • Not deriving pleasure  from their regular hobbies,
  • feeling depressed ,
  • sudden waking up with a jolt ,very early in morning
  • diurnal swing in mood – feeling more depressed in morning


5. Muscular Symptoms


  • Pains and aches
  • twitching, increased muscle stiffness
  • sudden jerks
  • grinding of teeth (often mistaken as symptom of worms by parents)
  • unsteady voice


6. Sensory Symptoms


Symptoms of Anxiety


Symptoms of anxiety can cause altered sensations in the body

  • Ringing  in ears
  • blurring of vision
  • hot or cold flushes
  • feelings of weakness
  • pricking, numbing or  tingling sensation in any part of the body


7. Heart Symptoms


A typical attack of anxiety /panic disorder can often mimic a heart attack

  • Pounding heart (palpitations),
  • pain in chest
  • throbbing of vessels
  • feeling of faintness
  • missing one or more heartbeats.


8. Respiratory symptoms

Acute anxiety can cause the following symptoms:

  • A feeling of  pressure or tightness in chest
  • feeling as if one would choke
  • deep sighing or shortness of breath.


9. Abdominal  symptoms


The most common symptoms of Anxiety Disorder are felt in the gut, they are :

  • Problem in swallowing
  • bloating
  • pain in the abdomen
  • burning sensations in chest or abdomen
  • abdominal fullness
  • nausea or  vomiting
  • loud gurgling  gut sounds
  • frequent or loose stool ,
  • loss of weight
  • constipation.


10. Sexual symptoms of Anxiety Disorder


Anxiety Disorder can commonly affect the sexual well-being of a person.

The common symptoms are :

  • Frequent urge to pee
  • Not getting your periods
  • Getting a heavier than usual period
  • Development of sexual frigidity in women
  • Premature ejaculation
  • Reduced desire for sex
  • Erectile dysfunction ( inability to  achieve or sustain an erection)


11. Autonomic symptoms of Anxiety Disorder


  • Dry mouth
  • Sudden  flushing or turning pale
  • Sweat a lot even in cold weather,
  • Giddiness
  • Goosebumps


12. Body Language in Anxiety Disorder


The body language of someone suffering from Acute anxiety is often a giveaway.

  • Fidgeting
  • Restlessness or pacing,
  • Trembling of hands,
  • Furrowed brow with strained face , pale face
  • Sighing  or rapid shallow respiration
  • Constantly trying to swallow back , feeling a lump in throat

If you notice any of these symptoms in a loved one , do make sure to discuss it with your doctor… and don’t forget to share this with your friends!


” This post is a part of Blogchatter’s initiative #CauseAChatter “

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12 responses

  1. Alpana Deo Avatar
  2. Rakhi Jayashankar Avatar
    1. Dr. Preeti Chauhan Avatar
  3. Aesha Shah Avatar
    1. Dr. Preeti Chauhan Avatar
  4. Ishieta Avatar
  5. sonu chouhan Avatar
  6. Samata Avatar
    1. Dr. Preeti Chauhan Avatar
  7. Shilpa Garg Avatar
  8. MeenalSonal Avatar
  9. Gunjan Upadhyay Avatar

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