
Suicide Prevention in School going Children: Building Resilience and Support

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Suicide Prevention in School going Children

Suicide among school-going children is a growing concern around the world. Recently two student suicides within 4 days of each other in Kota, the coaching district of Rajasthan, shook the whole nation and brought the issue of student suicides in the limelight. Already Kota has registered 23 suicides in this year 2023 the highest so far in a year. This is a worrying trend. Suicide Prevention strategies for school-going children are a need of the hour in today’s competitive and fast-paced world.

The month of September is observed as the National Suicide Prevention Month worldwideDuring this time, we remember the millions of people who have battled with persistent thoughts of committing suicide, the lives lost to suicide, and the people, families, and communities who have been affected. It is also moment to spread inspirational messages and raise awareness about suicide prevention.

In this post as part of the awareness drive for National Suicide Prevention Month, let us understand the Risk factors and learn about helpful strategies that can prevent suicides in school-going children.

Some facts about Suicide

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention defines suicide as “death caused by self-inflicted injuries with the intention of dying from the result of such actions.

According to the WHO survey, the Indian national average of suicide is even higher than the global average and people in the age  group of 15-29 years and elderly are at maximum risk.

Recent data shows that the number of suicides in India has increased by 60% since the COVID-19 pandemic.

Teenage is a critical period of development where youngsters often grapple with various challenges, including academic pressure, bullying, peer pressure, body image , and mental health issues. As parents, educators, and communities, it’s crucial to take proactive steps to prevent suicide among school-going children and provide them with the support they need.

Understanding the Suicide Risks in School going children

Before we delve into Suicide prevention strategies, it’s essential to recognize the risk factors associated with suicide in school-going children:

  1. Mental Health Issues: Psychiatric diseases have a very strong association with suicide. Mental health conditions like depression, anxiety, and bipolar disorder can significantly increase the risk of suicide.
  2. Bullying: Persistent bullying can lead to feelings of hopelessness and despair.
  3. Academic Pressure: Intense academic pressure and high expectations can cause excessive stress.
  4. Peer Pressure: Trying to fit in or conform to peer expectations can create emotional turmoil.
  5. Substance Abuse: Substance abuse like is often linked to suicidal thoughts, alcohol and opiates are the most common cause of  reckless or violent behavior and suicide attempts.
  6. Family Problems: Issues like divorce, Emotional or sexual abuse, or neglect at home can increase feelings of isolation and despair.
  7. Previous Suicide Attempts: A history of previous suicide attempts increases the likelihood of future attempts.
  8. Genetics : A family history of mental health disorders like Schizophrenia, Bipolar disorder , Depression etc., could predispose a child to developing suicidal tendency.


Suicide Prevention in School going Children


Key strategies to Prevent Suicides in School going Children

Suicide prevention in school-going children and adolescents is of paramount importance. Schools play a critical role in identifying, addressing, and preventing suicidal behavior among students. Here are some key strategies and considerations for suicide prevention in school settings:

  1. Create a Supportive School Environment:
    • Foster a culture of acceptance, inclusion, and empathy within the school community.
    • Train teachers and staff to recognize signs of distress or bullying among students.
    • Implement anti-bullying programs to reduce the risk of peer victimization.
  2. Mental Health Education:
    • Incorporate mental health education into the curriculum to raise awareness and reduce stigma.
    • Teach students about stress management, coping strategies, and emotional well-being.
    • Provide information on available mental health resources both within and outside the school.
  3. Early Identification and Intervention:
    • Train school personnel to recognize warning signs of suicide, such as changes in behavior, withdrawal, or expressions of hopelessness.
    • Establish clear reporting procedures for staff and students to report concerns about their peers.
    • Create a system for assessing and supporting at-risk students through school counselors or mental health professionals.
  4. Mental Health Services:
    • Ensure that school counselors and psychologists are well-trained in suicide prevention and intervention.
    • Offer easy access to mental health services within the school.
    • Collaborate with local mental health agencies for additional support when needed.
  5. Peer Support Programs:
    • Implement peer mentoring or support programs to encourage students to seek help from their peers.
    • Train student leaders to recognize and respond to signs of distress in their friends and classmates.
  6. Parent and Caregiver Involvement:
    • Educate parents and caregivers about the signs of suicide risk and how to support their children’s mental health.
    • Encourage open communication between parents and school staff.
  7. Crisis Response Plan:
    • Develop a clear and comprehensive crisis response plan that outlines the steps to follow in the event of a suicide threat or attempt.
    • Ensure that all school staff are familiar with this plan and their roles in responding to crises.
  8. Promote Resilience:
    • Offer programs and activities that promote resilience and emotional well-being, such as mindfulness, stress reduction, and character education.
    • Encourage extracurricular activities and hobbies that can provide a sense of purpose and belonging.
  9. Regular Training and Professional Development:
    • Provide ongoing training and professional development for school staff on suicide prevention and mental health support.
    • Stay up-to-date on best practices and evidence-based interventions.
  10. Collaboration with Community Resources:
    • Partner with local mental health organizations, crisis hotlines, and hospitals to ensure a coordinated response to student mental health needs.
    • Establish a network of support beyond the school setting.


Let us not forget that suicide prevention is an ongoing effort that requires collaboration among educators, parents, students, and mental health professionals. Creating a safe and supportive school environment can go a long way in helping students thrive emotionally and academically while reducing the risk of suicide. If you or someone you know is in crisis, please seek help immediately from a mental health professional or a crisis hotline.

The National suicide prevention  Helpline provides 24/7, free and confidential support for people in distress, prevention and crisis resources for you or your loved ones. Please do save this number – 1800-121-3667 ( for INDIA)

A skilled mental health  professional is available to listen in and help you or your loved ones through a mental crisis. It’s Free and Its confidential.

Remember – A suicide can be prevented by looking out for the risk factors, by talking about it , by seeking timely help.




This post is part of Blogchatter’s CauseAChatter.

This blog post is part of the blog challenge ‘Blogaberry Dazzle’ hosted by Cindy D’Silva and Noor Anand Chawla in collaboration with Outset Books. 

#Sinplypretty #abetterlife #Halehealthyhearty #Homeopathy #DrPreetiChauhan #MentalHealth #SuicidePrevention #SuicidePreventionMonth #Suicideinchildren

37 responses

  1. Ambica Gulati Avatar
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  2. Rakhi Jayashankar Avatar
  3. Rakhi Jayashankar Avatar
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  4. Neeta Kadam Avatar
  5. Felicia Avatar
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  6. Sadvika Kylash Avatar
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  7. Harjeet Kaur Avatar
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  21. Monidipa Dutta Avatar
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      1. Dr. Preeti Chauhan Avatar
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    Noor Anand Chawla

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