My first Memories of Motherhood

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I had my daughter , my first born ,when I was twenty-six years old .I think that was the right age for me  as physically one is agile and energetic and mentally ready to take on the responsibilities of taking care of another human being .

My pregnancy was filled with the usual morning sickness only that it kept  stretching on for the first four and half months ,that is almost midway through my pregnancy. My Gynaecologist was worried throughout as I did not gain the mandatory 10 kgs .In fact by the end of my pregnancy I had managed to lose some of my pre-pregnancy weight which was already below normal.

To cut a long story short (by nine months !) despite my poor physical health , I gave birth to my daughter right on time and naturally, which no one expected .Though a medical professional , I knew all the stages of labour by heart ,yet nothing prepares you for the pains.The only thing kept me going was some quotes from Osho about childbirth that incidentally I overheard the previous morning( the labour in a first time pregnancy can stretch for hours ,in my case it was almost 12 hours )and those thoughts settled in my mind.According to that theory childbirth can be pleasurable and pain free by suggestion(hypnosis) .( )

Those words actually kept playing in my mind and while undergoing the pains I tried to focus on the baby within me and its welfare ,trying to think only pleasurable things about the baby and telling myself that my only mission is to bring my baby safely into this world and it worked .I can’t say that I did not feel the pain ,but I can say that I was able to bear it well .

At the end of the labour ,the nurse showed me my baby , a small pink bundle with a tiny gaping mouth ,I wept .The tears just kept streaming down my pale cheeks .My gynaecologist looked a little disappointed .She said ,”It’s a girl, is that why your are crying?”
“No, doctor !These are tears of relief and joy .I had almost thought that I would not be able to bring my child into this world safely and now that she has come safely , I am very happy and relieved for her .”I explained softly but smiling through my tears.
Later when the baby was placed besides me for suckling ,I touched her tiny pink feet , her tiny little hands and kept looking in amazement at the little wonder of nature .

We had been together for nine months but the reality of it struck me now and I felt overwhelmed with gratitude and love for the little one .She had made all the pains and strains worthwhile.She was an extension of me , my life -my bundle of joy !

“I am sharing my #MemoriesOfMotherhood with Bio Oil and BlogAdda. This Mother’s Day check out the Yummy Mummy calendar and  make a similar calendar of your own using the Bio Oil App.”

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