An Open Letter to the Prime Minister

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Respected Shri Narendra Modi Sir ji ,

                                                 I have always been your staunch supporter and voted you to power,so that you can bring back the lost glory of our motherland through your path breaking ideas and innovations .You have also been the son of a common man and that is why I hope that you will understand our problems .
Sir , through this letter I wish to draw your attention to the plight of us common men .I am a great lover of art , in fact art is in my blood .My father ,  a common man with an uncommon talent ,loved Pan (betel leaf )and from morning to evening , he created innumerous works of art around the house , while he sat in the Verandah(balcony) and being a large hearted man ,he never discriminated with any single locality.Everywhere he went , he took his art with him . Every street , every nook and corner , was blessed by the streaks of his artwork .His name was Cheeku Benarasi but people lovingly used to call him “Peeku Benarasi”(Spitting Benarasi).May God rest his soul in peace !My Father is no more ,Sir .But he has left his legacy behind and I have been endeavouring to carry on the good work done by him so far .
Sir , I humbly wish to state that not only have I inherited my Father’s talent with the Betel Leaf ,but also I am a Graffiti Artist too .I have tried to make our famous monuments and tombs even more worthy by installing my works upon their walls .I lovingly remember one on the Red Fort itself , I have named this special work – Mungeri loves  Bimla .

The eye catching work of art installed by me at the RED FORT 

Actually it is special because  when I took my newly wed wife Bimla ,for a sight seeing tour of famous monuments of Delhi ,I was inspired to add my art to these historical buildings .I am a common man ,Sir .I cannot build a Taj Mahal for the most special woman in my life  , my wife – the mother of my four children .She too deserves some show of love .
But what can a mere common man do ?
With much zeal ,fanfare and applause ,you have launched a very ambitious project and given  it the name of a mission –The Clean India Mission(the Swachch Bharat Abhiyaan ).But Sir , this zealous mission is creating hurdles in the propagation of our art and craft .

Sir ,the following are my humble suggestions for your consideration :

1. To put a full stop to this Swachch Bharat Abhiyan (SBA) because it is curbing our individual right to freely express our creativity .With your blessings , I may then create engraved art dedicated to my beloved Bimla on the walls of the pristine Taj Mahal .Afterall love is not the prerogative of Kings alone.If you permit me to do so Sir , then you should be able to show off our great artworks to the visiting president Mr. Obama too .

2. Public spaces are for public use only  , so people should be allowed to freely cough , sneeze , spit, vomit,urinate and defaeate in public places .

3. It would be a great gesture on your part if you would dedicate a “Peeku Benarasi memorial “in our colony to honour the memory of my late Father ,Shree Peeku Benarasi Ji.

4.My son ,Goli ,along with a few of his friends has been doing target practice day and night and I am sure with some encouragement he shall bring accolades and probably an Olympic medal to India .All we need is some tall walls where he can practice and create a world record for the highest reaching piss . So some financial assistance towards this sports of marksmanship is requested of you .

And finally Sir , I dedicate a small jingle to this dying art and its practitioners ( you can sing it to the tune of “Jingle Bells “)

Litterman , Litterman litter all the way 
Oh what fun it is to ruin
A perfectly clean alley .
Hey Litterman , Litterman litter all the way….

Just spray the piss around 
Let piles of trash abound
The world is my canvas and 
paan  streaks are my brush

So Litterman , Litterman litter all the way …

Thanking you very much , Sir ji,
I remain 
yours sincerely ,

Mungeri “Litterman” Benarasi 
Litterbug Society of Mallupura 

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