Till Sloth do us Apart – some promises to be extracted this Women’s Day

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Every year we women get tons of ” Happy Women’s Day “wishes and messages from friends and family wishing us “Happiness änd Joy ” or ” Power to the Women “.

So what does Women’s day mean to me ?

I am lucky enough to come from a family that could provide me with a decent education and gave me enough exposure to the outside world so that I could face the world without any fears or apprehensions .But I belong to the privileged urban minority .Till today ,to so many of my sisters out there , who are less fortunate than me , the aspirations and dreams on Women’s Day must be so much more  diverse from mine  and sometimes heartbreakingly simple .

Empowerment still means an access to education ,access to healthcare, safety ,employment ,equal opportunities and even the right to be born if you are a female foetus .

 It could be a simple desire to be able to attend school like her brother and get an education .It could be the access to toilets so that she can continue her education (even after and more so after she attains puberty and starts menstruating) .It could also mean the opportunity to seek employment once she completes her education like her male counterparts and not be restricted to the confines of her home despite having it in her to prove herself to the world.

Empowerment to some of my fellow women could simply mean the right to live with dignity and not be abused in a marriage.
To be able to raise her voice and be heard when she faces injustice and violence .
It could mean access to sexual health care where she feels more empowered and more in control of her body , the access to antenatal care so that she could give birth to a baby with safety …

As India progresses , I am happy to say that the lot of the fairer sex is changing for the better but we still have a long way to go .We still have to reach out to a big section that still has been denied the basic rights of living .

Coming to myself now, what is it that I wish for myself on Women ’s day … from my man ?

I wish and strive for equality without having to cry myself hoarse for it .I could pay the bills and ‘He’ could do the laundry for a change .’He’ could buy the groceries while I could attend the kids ’ P.T.M. and challenge traditional stereotyped role playing .Also a little help around the house on weekends would be highly appreciated .

..And while we are at it ,why should the onus be only upon the woman to try to keep herself looking attractive even as she ages ?Why is it only for me to look well groomed … always ?
It seems to be a sign of insecurity if only one partner makes the effort and the other can get away with being laid back about it .

My Man should also take the initiative to maintain his looks .I am not implying that he should undergo the torture of waxing and getting his eyebrows plucked for us.But a trimmer belly,shaving on weekends too (for us ) and having well groomed hair did not harm anyone , did it ?

“I’m blogging about the kasams I want from my man this Women’s Day with the #SadaSexy activity at BlogAdda in association with Set Wet.”

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