
5 New Year Resolutions you can Keep

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Most of us like to start the New Year wishing for great things to achieve we often make a New Year Resolution or a list of New Year Resolutions. Predictably though most of us end up not sticking to those resolutions. Then as the current year comes to an end, we either chalk up another unachievable New Year resolution that we can’t keep or even worse – we give up. So here are 5 New year Resolutions that you can keep.


% New Year Resolutions you can keep

Why can’t we keep our New year Resolutions?


Creating daunting targets


The reason is simple. In an attempt to achieve our dream goal in the shortest possible time , we sometimes forget that we need to take into account the time and commitment and some room for unforeseen circumstances when setting a goal. It is always a better idea to have realistic doable goals. So instead of planning to drop 10 kgs in 3 months , why not make it 10 kgs in 10 months? This way you will not be intimidated and the chances of succeeding will increase.


Create Smaller Monthly goals


Just like I quoted above, breaking your weight loss journey into smaller monthly goals will give you more perspective and control. So when you plan to lose 10 kg in 10 months , that would translate into 1-1.5 kgs per month. You can further break it down into weekly targets. Now that seems easier , right !


Make a plan for your New Year Resolutions


Just having a target is not enough. Rather , you also need to create a work plan to achieve this target .For example I wish to lose weight so in the first month I shall create a plan to give up sugar an din the second month I will take up some kind of exercise, in the third month , I will add weights to my regimen.


Visualize your success


In order to feel motivated , keep visual reminders and imagine yourself achieving your goal every day. You may keep imagining yourself getting into your fav old jeans or seeing yourself delivering that speech successfully to applause.


Reward yourself


Finally you have a goal and a plan, great! Now just add small incentives for yourselves. Like when I reduce one inch from my waist or drop 3 kilos , I  will get myself a new pair of jeans or I will treat myself to XYZ (as long as it does not derail your plan).




When you plan a New Year Resolution, you need to create an urgency or immediacy about it to get yourself going. So whatever is your plan , start from day one and keep pushing yourself through reminders on the fridge or setting alarms so that you are finding the motivation to not slack. Other than emergencies, do not give yourself an excuse for slacking.




Just now I told you to not let yourself slacken but too much rigidity is not desirable. Therefore allow yourself some flexibility or leeway like if you cant get up  at 5 am , its ok to get up at 5:30 am but only for emergences or cover up at night. Make sure you complete your daily or weekly target by the end of the day or week.


5 New Year Resolutions you can keep


Now that you you have a foolproof way of keeping your New Year Resolutions, here are 5  resolutions for you that would make you a happier and healthier version of yourself.


Be Kind – it’s the easiest New Year Resolution you can keep!


As they say , we do not know what the person before us has been struggling with. Maybe they have just been fired or have a sick child at home! Try to be kinder to everyone. Let some things pass if you can afford to ignore them. It makes you feel good too and saves a lot of heartburn later.


Sleep better


Sleep is the period when our body recharges and rejuvenates itself. It is also the period when our higher mental centers secrete neurohormones for proper functioning of the mind and body. A good night’s sleep ensures an optimum functioning of both, so try to hit the bed early and at a regular time to wake up healthy and active.


More Mindfulness


Mindfulness not only in your actions , but also in your thoughts. Be mindful of what you say , what you eat and what you think. Be mindful of your negative thoughts that pull you down. Being a neutral observer to your own thoughts and actions can give you a more truer perspective about life situations.


Practice Happiness


5 New Year Resolutions you can keep


You may ask why did I say practice Happiness instead of saying be happy? Because being happy should not be circumstantial or situational. Do what you need to do to be happy. By the way, it is is generally the simpler things in life that make us happy.


How do you know what makes you happy?


Revisit your childhood and try to remember what were the things that excited you and made you truly happy. That is the activity you need to do more often.

You may also start you day by looking into the mirror and giving yourself a big toothy smile or laugh out loud after exercising to get your heart pumping harder.


Read Regularly


Reading more really enriches you. Even if you are not a bookworm, make it  habit to read a little every day or every weekend. It could be the biography or your Hero/Heroine a travelogue or even something related to your profession. Reading not only distracts you from your daily stresses but also keeps your mental abilities sharp.


This post is my contribution to Blogchatter’s initiative #CauseAChatter.


(Images designed on Canva.com)


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