During one of our #BookishLeague book discussions , one of the book bloggers mentioned the book ‘Eden Abandoned: The Story of Lilith’. Taken in by the feminist theme, I was motivated to read this book . When Blogchatter gave me the opportunity to review this book, I seized the offer and I was delighted to discover that the hype was real.
‘In the book ‘Eden Abandoned: The Story of Lilith’ the author Shinie Antony tells us the story of Lilith and her exile from Eden and the aftermath of that.
Who was Lilith?
In Jewish folklore, Lilith is portrayed as a demon who preys on children and pregnant women taking away their souls. She is a shapeshifter who can take on different forms, which makes her a difficult and powerful adversary.
The Bible mentions Lilith as Adam’s first consort long before Eve became his wife. She was Adam’s first wife, created from the same earth as he was. Unlike Eve, who was made from Adam’s rib, Lilith saw herself as Adam’s equal and refused to submit to him. This led to her banishment from the Garden of Eden and fleeing to the Red Sea where she cavorts with demons. Joining hands with the dark forces Lilith unleashes her revenge on God’s Eden and mankind.
Why should you read Eden abandoned:The Story of Lilith
If you love Mythology
If you are someone who loves Mythology or historical texts then this book will enlighten you.Most of us know about Adam and Eve and the garden of Eden as did I.But frankly, Lilith was an unknown entity to me `and hence I enjoyed discovering this biblical character and her story.
Lyrical Prose and formidable storytelling
This book is unputdownable because Shinie Antony is an accomplished writer. Her writing is almost poetic.The words just flow in beautiful rhythm and her narration is vivid and fascinating bringing alive the characters and transporting the reader to a psychedelic fantasy world.
Interestingly the chapters start backwards – From thirteen to zero.
Unapologetically and Fiercely Feminist
Lilith and Shinie Antony are unapologetic champions of the power of the female sex.Sometimes the lines blur between Lilith and Antony and the modern and the ancient which though confusing at times also makes the book even more relatable and contemporary.Lilith’s story is about rebellion , revenge and even repentance.It questions God’s authority and Adam’s superiority over Lilith or Eve. It mocks unquestioning servitude and demureness when hailed as virtues.Lilith does not shy away even when claiming her right to equality in the bed.She claims her sexuality, demanding to lay above Adam instead of below him.
‘Eden Abandoned: The Story of Lilith‘ is a fierce celebration of breaking shackles and self discovery.
Final Verdict
I recommend this book to all women especially, it says it is OK to claim what is yours and stand for your values.Better to have believed in yourself and lost rather than wear the crown of servitude.
‘Eden abandoned..’ is a bold statement in feminism and self discovery.I am not sure how factually correct this book is but I know I could relate to it and therein lies Shinie Antony’s strength.
Lilith is a badass and she is not ashamed of it.
Book Specifications
Title: Eden Abandoned -The Story of Lilith
Author : Shinie Antony
Pages : 144
Language : English
Genre : Biblical, Fiction, Religious Fiction, Christianity , Feminism ,
” This review is powered by Blogchatter Book Review Program ”
This blog post is part of ‘Blogaberry Dazzle’ hosted by Cindy D’Silva and Noor Anand Chawla in collaboration with Dr. Preeti Chauhan.
“I’m participating in the #TBRChallenge by Blogchatter”
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